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Three Energy Therapies You Must Know For Your Life to Be Everything It Could Be – Part 2 of 4

In part one of this four part series, you learned why, if you wanted to experience the best life possible, it is necessary to go further than just the traditional self-help techniques like affirmations, visualization, etc.

The only thing you can experience is thoughts and feelings, and subconscious stored feelings (generally negative feelings from difficult past experiences) are at the root of so many of your current major difficulties – from emotional distress, to stuckness in a certain area, and the inability to move forward to a life that’s right for you.

So – enter the “energy therapies” to help save the day and remove the subconscious stored emotional energy, without the years (and marginal results) of expensive therapy.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques

EFT is a process that involves tapping on a certain number of acupuncture points that have to do with the emotional system, and doing so in a unique way.

EFT effectively targets the emotional energy in the body that is causing very specific emotional difficulties – and eradicates it with alarming speed and comfort.

Once you learn the points to “tap,” and the way to word the “reminder phrase,” which exposes the difficult emotion associated with the topic of distress, you’re off and running, able to “tap away” any sort of emotional distress you can find.

So to have complete peace and balance, it sounds like you would simply have to find every single negative though-feeling combination in your system and then “EFT” them out, right?


But unfortunately it’s not always realistic to implement.

This is because EFT’s targeting methods tend to work best on very specific events.

EFT is very, VERY good for helping to eliminate distressful experiences, just because of its ability to “target” the energy in very specific events or situations. In fact, the more specific you can get, the more results you will get…on that one specific thing you are targeting.

And this is why EFT as a solo remedy is not comprehensive enough.

It would take you a thousand “rounds” of EFT just to scratch the surface of a whole life experience, and a thousand more just to get to any of significant depth.

Does this mean that EFT does not have value or is not worth learning?

EFT is most definitely worth learning. I teach my private clients to use it as a “fallback” for using with some of the more advanced methods (the inwardly-directed, mentally applied ones), for situations or difficulties that are difficult to eradicate completely if the person is still in the learning stages with those new methods.

Compared to the newest method, EFT IS slow, but its ability to remove distressful emotional energy is the reason for its popularity. (That, and because it’s one of the first of its kind.)

Though I don’t go that far into EFT anymore with my clients who I teach how to get to the root of the subconscious negative functioning, I let them know that it’s an important tool to learn and know. It can be a good foundation for an understanding of how their systems store the energy that causes the weakness and imbalances.

You can learn the basics of EFT for free with a free e-book available from

Stay tuned for the next energy therapy – one that doesn’t “tap” but still uses the way the body stores this energy to your advantage in removing it.


What is "Inner Influencing"?

Inner Influencing ( is my breakthrough self-empowerment program to help you remove emotional distress, become unstuck in life, and unblock what's in the way of positive experiences.

It uses the latest breakthrough in understanding how you can interact with your subconscious, where all of the power is to "make or break" your life experience - to help you do all those things in ways that are fast, easy, and gentle.

Once you learn to become master of your own subconscious processes, you become master of your own experience, and then master of your own life.

Learning Inner Influencing will assist you in living in a way that is most in-line with your well-being.

To learn more, please visit .

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About Paul Greblick

Paul Greblick helps people connect and receive guidance from their Angels on a consistent, daily basis for greater peace, balance, and happiness in their lives.

He is the creator of the breakthrough self-empowerment program entitled "Inner Influencing," which is quickly becoming known as a fast, easy, and gentle way to have more permanent emotional peace and balance, move out of stuckness, and eradicate the blocks to life being ideal, whole, and complete in every way.

You can find more on his Angel material at

You can learn Inner Influencing at