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The Fine Line Between Persuasion and Manipulation
I am strong advocate for people’s freedom – most notably, their inner freedom, and their inner strength. And I’m willing to show everyone to whatever extent they would like exactly how their inner systems work for their OWN benefit. 

But until everyone knows how their own systems work, and could thus be used against them, I’m afraid that most people could be on the receiving end of some terrible, terrible things that in our culture are currently being passed off as ok. 

The Exposure of Subliminal Advertising. 

Dr. Wison Bryan Key is a researcher and college professor who wrote several now out-of-print books dealing with the pervasiveness of subliminal advertising as used by the media and marketing in the 70’s and 80’s. 

He noted that when he was teaching college classes on how subliminal advertising works and it’s discreet (or sometimes not-so-discreet) use, his students fell into one of two general categories. 

One was those students who wished to learn how subliminal advertising works to increase their own understanding of how their own subconscious works, and how to protect themselves and others from this type of manipulation. 

The other type of student that he noticed attended his classes had no interest in serving the needs of others, but only to how to use this material to persuade and manipulate people for their own personal agendas – manipulation, greed, control, etc. 

NLP – Superhero? Or Supervillain? 

When NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) arrived on the scene, it was heralded as the next great victory in the evolution of the understanding of the human psyche. One that could be used for great therapeutic value. 

But the Tony Robbins' of the world and other “advocates” of these techniques have advocated and publicized their use, not only counter to healing, but what could only be summed up as full-frontal manipulation. 

There have been countless seminars, workshops, even books that describe how to use NLP to force the decision for the sale, to force someone to “see it your way”, and even the most disgusting one, of forcing their will or manipulation to entice intimate encounters or even full-fledged relationships where the other party wouldn’t even consider the person otherwise.

NLP is good for therapeutic reasons, bad for sales, and worse for trying to get someone in an intimate encounter or relationship that’s not totally right for them. And it’s NOT totally right for them if you have to use ANY sort of persuasion tool or manipulation device to get them to agree to it, like it or not, bad as that may sting the egos of some of the people advocating this sort of thing. 

I have never been more disgusted to be a member of this human race to see the level and depth of ANY sort of manipulation of someone else’s thoughts, feelings, or inner state to justify a person’s own hidden agenda which doesn’t even account the other person’s care or well-being. 

Those who are doing this will rationalize to the cows come home, but it doesn’t matter, and you won’t change my mind on it, because what’s happening IS what’s happening, no matter how you want to justify it to yourself. 

Just remember, if you’re not using tools such as NLP to benefit the other person COMPLETELY with no cost or sacrifice to them, you’re engaging in serious manipulation, and this is not something that “those upstairs” are going to put up with any longer. 

Those who know me and my background with helping people connect to their Angels know I’m here to help people defend themselves from this very thing - to help people understand the depth of how their systems work, and the depth of how they can be used, manipulated, and abused by others. AND TO STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING, by educating people so they can naturally defend themselves. 

And if you’re one of those who is currently engaging in any sort of NLP or other tools FOR PUSHING YOUR WAY ON OTHERS or to get your own agenda met where the person wouldn't agree to it WITHOUT having to be "NLP'Dd, this is nothing short of manipulation of the person's mind, the person's body, the person's inner being, and even the person's soul.

And it’s going to be a really sad day for you when those who have been on the receiving end of your ruse and disguise wake up to what they’ve been going through, through no fault of their own but their own lack of ability to defend themselves.


What is "Inner Influencing"?

Inner Influencing ( is my breakthrough self-empowerment program to help you remove emotional distress, become unstuck in life, and unblock what's in the way of positive experiences.

It uses the latest breakthrough in understanding how you can interact with your subconscious, where all of the power is to "make or break" your life experience - to help you do all those things in ways that are fast, easy, and gentle.

Once you learn to become master of your own subconscious processes, you become master of your own experience, and then master of your own life.

Learning Inner Influencing will assist you in living in a way that is most in-line with your well-being.

To learn more, please visit .

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About Paul Greblick

Paul Greblick helps people connect and receive guidance from their Angels on a consistent, daily basis for greater peace, balance, and happiness in their lives.

He is the creator of the breakthrough self-empowerment program entitled "Inner Influencing," which is quickly becoming known as a fast, easy, and gentle way to have more permanent emotional peace and balance, move out of stuckness, and eradicate the blocks to life being ideal, whole, and complete in every way.

You can find more on his Angel material at

You can learn Inner Influencing at